When Annabelle was born, Barry and Christine were told that there's a 57 per cent chance she will die before reaching school age(Image: Reach plc)

Miracle baby born with half a heart survives surgery at just four days old

Barry and Christine Main from Lanarkshire found out that their daughter had a serious heart condition during their 20-week scan and were devastated. Three years later, little Annabelle has come on leaps and bounds

by · The Mirror

A baby was born with half-a-heart and had a major operation at just four-days-old. Little Annabelle Main suffers from a condition called Hypoplastic left heart syndrome - where the left ventricle of the heart does not develop properly so is smaller than usual.

Her parents, 35-year-old Christine and 37-year-old Barry found out their daughter had the condition during the 20-week pregnancy scan. From then, the couple were given the option to terminate the pregnancy or not operating on Annabelle when she was born - which would inevitably lead to her passing away.

The couple prepared for the tough months ahead after she was born in London on January 5 2020. She had her first operation at just 4-days-old and since has had a total of seven procedures. Now three-years-old, Annabelle is waiting for her next open heart surgery which will happen after new year.

Barry said: "It was absolutely devastating because you go into a 20-week scan expecting to find out if it’s a boy or girl, you aren’t expecting to be told anything else. When you find out, especially with your first child, that it’s a serious heart condition that isn’t treated in Scotland there is a lot of confusion.

"They were giving options of termination or not operating and letting her pass away within the first couple of days after being born. Taking in all that information was tough. She had her first surgery at four-days-old after which she was moved to the intensive care unit. Between then and the next seven months she was transferred from there to wards because she kept falling ill and having different procedures."

He added: "We didn’t really know what to expect. She had tubes and wires coming out of her and even though you try to prepare yourself as much as possible, it’s difficult."

When Annabelle was born, Barry and Christine were told that there's a 57 per cent chance she will die before reaching school age. Despite her health battle, she continues to go to nursery, dancing and gymnastics - and has been raising awareness of her condition.

Annabelle has been named a Young Heart Hero by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) this year. The awards recognise young fundraisers, advocates and heart patients aged 18 and under who have done amazing things in support of the BHF’s lifesaving work.

The couple prepared for the tough months ahead after she was born in London on January 5 2020.( Image: Christine Main)
Annabelle has been named a Young Heart Hero by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) this year( Image: Christine Main)

Barry told GlasgowLive : "She is our miracle and we are so proud of her for the way she has handled life. She is amazing through and through and we are so proud of her progress.

"A boy asked her in nursery why her lips were blue and she was telling them that she had half a heart and gets cold a lot easier. She was showing them their scar and educating them about her condition which is amazing."

He added: "The chances of her going to school are against her but everyday she handles it like a wee trooper. She doesn’t let anything stop her and is constantly on the move. She is buzzing for Christmas as she understands it a bit more as well. We teach her that she is different from other kids but that’s not a bad thing. She overcomes hurdles everyday and is special."