PATA Annual Summit 2024 opens this week with new segments, initiatives

by · TTG asia

The three-day PATA Annual Summit 2024, set for Macau from May 15 to 17, will see the debut of the PATA-WTCF China Dialogue, supported by the World Tourism Cities Federation (WTCF) and sponsored by Dragon Trail International; the signing of two partnerships; and the launch of a social impact initiative.

The PATA-WTCF China Dialogue will explore the dynamic landscape of China Inbound Tourism, delving into the various challenges and opportunities.

Summit delegates will get to join the Offsite Educational Experience, which includes workshops on traditional dessert making and Portuguese blue tile Azulejo painting

Fresh MoUs between PATA and the Sarawak Tourism Board (STB), and between PATA and the East Asia Inter-Regional Tourism Federation (EATOF), will be signed during the Partnerships for Tomorrow session.

Furthermore, PATA will launch the PATA Kind Hearts initiative to underscore the association’s commitment to positively impacting local communities in the destinations where PATA events are hosted. This involves a donation of approximately 100 children’s books to Instituto Cultural de Macau (Macao Cultural Institute) to nurture a love of reading among the young.

PATA Annual Summit 2024 is hosted by the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) and co-hosted by SJM Resorts, bearing the theme, Reimagining Tourism.

PATA CEO Noor Ahmad Hamid said: “While sustainability remains a focal point, this year’s summit will certainly delve into broader discussions, thought-provoking conversation, encompassing areas such as travel technology trends, marketing strategies, tourism policy, and cultural advancements. It will catalyse positive change transcending current norms across various dimensions of tourism.”

PATA said this year’s registration numbers have been the highest since the end of the pandemic.

“I am thrilled to see that when PATA members come together in full force at such a flagship event like the PATA Annual Summit, it will present an opportunity for the association to come into full form that can recalibrate the strength of what PATA is all about. We can only get stronger when we are together. Hence, it is our hope that members from across the world will seize this opportunity to find touch-points to collaborate with each other as the travel and tourism industry is recovering to its fullest potential,” added Noor Ahmad.

MGTO director, Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, said, “It has been several years since our destination last staged a PATA flagship event, and it will be a great opportunity to provide delegates from across the Asia-Pacific region with a first-hand experience (of) the new dynamic development of Macau as a world centre of tourism and leisure.”

Summit attendees can expect to hear from a line-up of esteems industry professionals, such as SJM Resorts, managing director, Daisy Ho; Hong Kong Tourism Board, executive director, Dane Cheng; Ministry of Tourism, India, director general (tourism), Manisha Saxena; World Travel & Tourism Council, regional director Asia, Sarah Wang; OAG, head of Asia, Mayur Patel; and Sobie Aviation analyst, Brendan Sobie.