I’m a millionaire, here’s the one thing all rich people do with their money

· New York Post

A US millionaire has revealed the one thing all “rich people” do differently when it comes to money, claiming it has nothing to do with how much they have in the bank.

In a viral TikTok video, social media user ‘Taylor Money’ claimed there is a big difference in the way millionaires view their money, saying those with less tend to see money simply as a tool to pay bills.

“The number one thing that rich people do differently is they see the function of money for what it is actually meant to be,” he said in the video, which has wracked up over 2 million views.

A US millionaire explained the difference in the way rich and poor people view money. Tiktok / @taylor_money_

“Poor people think money exists to pay bills and keep themselves out of debt. They work for someone Monday to Friday, they exchange their time for money and then they give it to someone else.

“It’s a great way to scrape by life and never get ahead.”

“Middle class people use money as a way to build credit so that they can buy bigger houses, bigger boats, bigger cars, whatever” he continued, adding “that’s not the function of money”.

Instead, he said, “rich people know the function of money is expansion, to use the money that you make to make more money.”

“Poor people think money exists to pay bills and keep themselves out of debt,” he said. Tiktok / @taylor_money_

The 42-year-old who became a millionaire in his twenties went on the explain “rich people expect every single dollar they have to make them more money”.

“Only when you start to see money for what it actually is, a method of expansion … a vehicle for your own expansion, then the opportunities to make more money or expand start presenting themselves for you to take.”

Taylor, who shares financial advice with his over 145,000 followers online, divulged a similar tip when speaking in a separate video about the one thing millionaires wish they knew in their twenties.

Taylor also shared advice from his friend with a net worth over $12 million. Tiktok / @taylor_money_

In it, he shared advice given by his 31-year-old friend who has a net worth of $12 million.

“His advice and I quote: ‘Budgeting is a scam,’” said Taylor.

“Burning mental calories trying to figure out how to save an extra hundred dollars a month here and there is literally a waste of time.”

Instead, his friend suggested trying to spend that metal energy figuring out how to make more money.

“This is a guy whose company made $8 million last year [and] $60 million this year. And while doubling in gross revenue they also quadrupled in profit,” he concluded.