Dr Justin Morris, chief executive of the Bristol Zoological Society

Bristol Zoo boss roars for green growth and social justice

Dr Justin Morris, is the new President of the Bristol Chamber & Initiative, who wants to make Bristol a leader in green growth and social justice

by · BristolLive

Dr Justin Morris, the new President of the Bristol Chamber & Initiative, has outlined his vision for the city’s future, with a focus on social and environmental issues.

Dr Morris, who is also the Chief Executive of Bristol Zoological Society, said he wants to work with businesses to identify and support economic initiatives that have positive impacts on the community and the planet.

He said: “Bristol’s future is not just the responsibility of local authorities and politicians. Businesses need to be part of the discussion and drive change.”

The Bristol Chamber & Initiative is a group of over 150 business leaders who collaborate to influence the way the region is shaped, managed, and developed. It is part of Business West, the largest business organisation in the South West.

Dr Morris, who was born and raised in Bristol, has more than 20 years of experience in leading commercial, charitable and professional services. He has previously worked as the Director of Public Engagement at the Natural History Museum and the Director of Strategy and Operations at the British Museum.

He took over the role of Chamber & Initiative President from James Durie, who stepped down after six years in the position.

Dr Morris said he is committed to acting on behalf of the community, not just on behalf of business. He said: “We now have a series of existential challenges to address such as climate change, habitat loss and population growth that require a more combined focus and long-term commitment. Cities have a specific and important role to address these challenges, and we need a strong, responsible business community to drive positive change, which is why the Bristol Initiative exists.”

One of the projects that Dr Morris will support as President is OurCity2030, which aims to help young people from low-income households in inner city Bristol to secure a median salary role by 2030.

He will also champion green growth, making it a priority for the business community. He said: “I believe there is an opportunity for Bristol to be a real leader in the UK and across the globe in terms of green growth.”

Dr Morris plans to set up an informal committee to advise Business West of opportunities in Bristol that the Initiative has identified as important, and to ensure member feedback is central to its activity.

He said: “I am eager as President to work with businesses to identify initiatives to help address the challenges we face, and realise the opportunities. Business West, as the leading voice of business for our region, is well-placed to facilitate discussions to nurture these ideas into practical solutions.”

He added: “City dwellers across Bristol must experience the benefits of urban life for the city to thrive. It is in all our interests that our city is a pleasant place to live, one that is easy to commute and one that offers opportunities for all.”

Victoria Matthews, Bristol Director at Business West, welcomed Dr Morris as the new President and praised his leadership skills and passion for his home city, environment and social issues.

She said: “The Bristol Initiative will benefit hugely from Justin’s extensive leadership experience and his passion for his home city, environment and social issues. I look forward to working closely with him to progress our existing initiatives, and discover new ways to ensure a brighter, and fairer, future for Bristol.”