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Sisters relieved nobody was hurt after woman pulls out gun in drive-through pharmacy line

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Sisters say woman pointed a loaded gun at them at drive-through pharmacyKSL TV

Estimated read time: 1-2 minutes

EAGLE MOUNTAIN — Two sisters got quite the surprise Tuesday when they were in a drive-through pharmacy line in the Ranches area of Eagle Mountain.

They said a driver cut in line, so one of them got out to tell the driver that others were waiting in line. But that's when the driver became upset.

"She told me that if I didn't get out of there she was going to (expletive) shoot me," the woman said.

Her sister was still in the driver's seat of their car. She was rolling video on her cellphone but stopped when she realized things were escalating. She said as her sister turned around to walk back to the car, the woman pointed a gun at her, with her finger on the trigger.

The sisters are three years apart in age. The elder of the two said when she saw that, she jumped out of the car, between the woman holding the gun and her little sister. The younger sister is also pregnant.

"I was screaming that she was pointing a gun at a pregnant woman and that she was being crazy and needed to settle down," she told KSL-TV.

They called the police and within seconds officers arrived with sirens on.

When police arrived, they arrested Christine Kotter, 53, for investigation of aggravated assault.

The police report said, "The firearm had a bullet in the chamber and was ready to fire."

The women are relieved they're not hurt.

"I'm so grateful for my sister. I know that no matter what the circumstances, she would take a bullet for me, literally," the younger sister said.

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