She doesn't know what to do about her husband's obnoxious behaviour (stock photo)(Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

'My husband hates fat people - it's embarrassing to go out with him in public'

Body shaming anyone is cruel, unnecessary, and bullying behaviour. One woman has shared her disgust at her husband after years of rude comments to 'fat' strangers, even giving them the wrong directions whenever he can

by · The Mirror

A woman has spoken of her annoyance and humiliation after discovering just how deep her husband’s hatred of ‘ fat people’ really is. Revealing she gets embarrassed when going out with him and lives in constant fear of what he might say next.

Sharing her woes on social media, the 24-year-old woman wrote: “My husband can be extremely cruel towards fat people and won’t stop harassing them.” Explaining that her husband, whom she has been with for eight years, has always been negative about people who aren’t as physically attractive as him.

The woman went on: “He was never an athlete in high school but was in good shape and aesthetic. He’s always been the definition of looks are everything. He is still funny and has a great personality, but he obsesses of looks of others and himself.”

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And one of the main things that he always comments on is the weight of other people, feeling it necessary to make jokes or make snide remarks. She continued: “He particularly hates fat people, and will give them mean looks in public.

“Just yesterday, we were out shopping and we walked right by the cereal aisle, and he made a comment about it being unhealthy right in front of an obese mom and her kid. Whenever he sees a fat person he always exclaims ‘Jesus’ or ‘Yikes’.”

Fed up with her husband’s “obnoxious” behaviour, the woman also admitted that on some occasions his comments have upset people. She finished: “I’ve asked him to stop multiple times but he keeps doing it. He’s also a firm believer in giving fat people the wrong directions. How do I stop it and what’s wrong with him?”

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People reading the Reddit post were left stunned but some people found a few of the details the woman had shared amusing. One person penned: “ You wrote that ‘He's also a firm believer in giving fat people the wrong directions’ - this is an awful but also extremely funny comment.”

Another reader asked: “In what way does casual cruelty give someone ‘a great personality’? While someone else replied to her question: “What's wrong with him is that he's a bully. You're married to a bully. I would not waste one more minute of my life on someone like that, but that's just me. I have higher standards than that.”

A fourth user agreed, adding: “What a loser. Seriously. Anyone that judgemental and cruel deserves to be alone until they figure their s**t out. He f***ing sucks and staying will make him think you approve of his s****y behaviour. He needs therapy and you need to dump his sorry a**. Yesterday.”

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