The mum-to-be wants to name her son after a Star Wars character(Image: ©1977 Lucas Films)

Mum warned her son will get bullied if she names him after a Star Wars character

Naming your child after a film or book character is a popular choice for lots of parents, however, after sharing what they want to call their future son, one mum and dad have been left disappointed

by · The Mirror

When it comes to parents thinking about names for their children, people often draw on inspiration from movies to shape their decisions. However, just because that particular moniker might mean something to you, it might not necessarily be the same for everyone else.

One mum and dad, who revealed they want to name their future child after a Star Wars character, took to social media to ask if kids really get bullied over their names - and were left unimpressed by the response.

Writing on a baby name forum, the couple shared: “My husband and I have a rather unique pop-culture name that we'd like to use for our future son, but every time we tell people about it the first thing they say is "Omg, no he’s gonna get bullied for that! So you hate your child that much?” And like... I feel like that's a little dramatic, they just don't like the name.”

Sharing the name in question, she revealed: “It's Anakin as in Star Wars with Ani (ANN-ee) as the nickname. Most likely he will be called Ani primarily.” The woman reasoned that she feels people are overreacting, as kids don't know when names are weird because they're too young for that concept.

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She went on: “When I was little, I went to school with a boy named Madison and I didn't blink an eye because I didn't know that was traditionally a girl's name yet. It's not kids that are going to do the teasing, it's adults which I think is worse. Sure middle school might bring some harassment to a girl named Barbie, but I feel like middle school sucks for everyone.”

Giving her thoughts, she continued: “If a kid wants to bully, they're going to bully. If not for their target's name being "Kirby," then because they have freckles, or they're to tall, or they have braces, or they like Disney and Disney is for babies, or whatever. I don't want to change the name my husband and I are pretty much set on because we're being bullied about it by our family. Does anyone have personal experience with a kid's/adult's life being made significantly worse just because of their name?”

Readers were quick to comment on the Reddit post and share their own experiences. One person wrote: “I have two friends who had pop culture names, both were heavily bullied, and both have now legally changed their names to something more generic.

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“One was literally named after an iconic Pokemon and he has now legally changed his name to Ryan. One was Leia, she has legally changed her name to Leah. I would argue Leia is a really pretty name and fine normally, but she did get bullied and was worried she wouldn't be taken seriously in the job market. She once applied for a job and later found out the recruiter threw away her resume thinking she had submitted a fake resume with a joke name.”

Someone else chimed in: “Ani (as in “Annie”) for a boy? Yes, there will be bullying.” Ignoring somewhat the point of the question the poster was asking, lots of people began debating the morality of Anakin Skywalker, who ultimately grows up to be the franchise’s villain - Darth Vader.

One Geroge Lucas fan wrote: “I just can’t believe people would name their kid after the villain who slays children and blows up planets.” To which someone else replied: “Imagine having to have debates about the morality of your child’s namesake.” But another reader answered: “Pshhh if Padme was chill with it so are we /s It could be worse though, they could name him Palpatine instead.”

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