Kostadin Kostadinov, leader of "Revival"

'Revival' Party Pushes for Palestinian Perspective on Gaza Conflict in Bulgarian Parliament

· novinite.com

In the Bulgarian National Assembly, a request by the "Revival" party to host an exhibition portraying the Palestinian perspective on the war in Gaza has sparked controversy. The party's leader, Kostadin Kostadinov, called on the parliamentary leadership to reconsider their decision and find a space for the exhibition. He pointed out that in mid-July, an exhibition in the National Assembly showcased the Israeli viewpoint on the conflict, and that "Revival" and the Palestine Friendship Group had since requested to display the Palestinian side as well.

Kostadinov emphasized the heavy toll of the conflict, which has resulted in over 40,000 civilian casualties in Gaza and the West Bank. However, he said that their request to use the lobby of the parliament building was twice denied with different explanations—once due to parliamentary leave and another citing a previously scheduled exhibition. Their attempt to use another part of the building was also rejected, as it was reportedly needed by the Central Election Commission (CEC).

According to Kostadinov, the repeated denials reflect not an impossibility but an unwillingness to allow the exhibition, which he described as "shameful." He further stated that the leadership of the National Assembly is engaging in self-censorship, submitting to foreign influence, though he clarified that he did not believe the State of Israel had directly pressured the parliament to prevent the exhibition.

Despite the setbacks, Kostadinov said that "Revival" would continue to push for the exhibition to be held. He even displayed some of the artwork that had been intended for the event.

In response, Speaker of the National Assembly Raya Nazaryan explained that there were legitimate reasons for the refusals, specifically noting that the CEC required the lobby. She emphasized that the leadership’s actions were not passive resistance and assured that no one supports war. Nazaryan invited the party to resubmit their request, stating that alternatives would be explored.