Temperature fluctuations and blizzard expected in mid-January

· Public broadcasting of Latvia

There will still be thaw overnight into Thursday, but over the day with gusty northerly winds, colder air will start coming to Latvia, and frost will be back across the country by the evening. It will sometimes snow in the eastern central part of the country.

Frost will intensify overnight into Friday, with temperatures at -8 C to -3 C, places in VIdzeme, Sēlija and Latgale -14 C to -9 C.

There will be plenty of precipitation on Friday - snow and blizzard, while temperatures will climb a few degrees above zero in Kurzeme as warmer air arrives and sleet and rain are also expected.

It will get colder again on Saturday, with frost across Latvia at night, nearing -20 C in the east. Temperatures will remain below zero during the day as well but it will get warmer on Sunday, ranging from -4 C in eastern Vidzeme to +3 C on the coast.

Snow, blizzard, and gusty winds are also often expected next week, temperatures will be rapidly changing, slipping below the -20 degree mark in eastern Latvia on some nights, but climbing to just above zero on some days.

Driving conditions will often be difficult, with roads slippery and snowy, and there will be poor visibility.

The snow layer will become thicker and exceed 30 centimeters in in many places in the second half of next week.