Joe Biden gasps in shock as car smashes into his motorcade

by · Mail Online

President Joe Biden stood frozen in shock as a car rammed an SUV that was part of his motorcade before Secret Service agents rushed him into a vehicle and drove him from the area Sunday night.

The president and first lady Jill Biden were leaving his Wilmington, Delaware, campaign headquarters around 8pm after sharing a meal with staffers when the collision happened. 

A pool of reporters and photographers captured the dramatic footage that saw the president hurried into the back of his armored SUV by Secret Service agents, not knowing if the crash was part of a deliberate attack. 

The wreck occurred at the very moment Biden was walking out of a building. As the loud bang rang out, Biden muttered 'wow!' as he looked toward the sound, appearing surprised. 

The Secret Service appeared equally as stunned as the man they were protecting, seeming slow off the mark, taking almost ten seconds to bundle the nation's leader into the safety of his vehicle.  

President Joe Biden appeared shocked after a car crashed into a Secret Service SUV 
Members of the US Secret Service rush to a car, after it hit the presidential motorcade 
Members of the United States Secret Service speak to the driver of the vehicle that crashed 
The Secret Service appeared as stunned as the man they were protecting seemed slow off the mark, taking almost ten seconds to bundle the nation's leader into the safety of his vehicle 

The car involved in the crash was a silver copper Ford sedan with Delaware plates. It slammed into the side of a black U.S. Secret Service SUV that was shielding the motorcade.

The sedan tried to continue into the closed-off intersection before Secret Service personnel sprung into action and surrounded the vehicle with weapons drawn, instructing the driver to put his hands up.   

The name of the driver has not been released.

The man complied with the agent's commands while nearby reporters were quickly shuffled away. 

'They're evacuating, you guys gotta go,' a staffer told journalists as security personnel secured the area. 

The car rammed into a motorcade SUV operated by the Secret Service  which was blocking the street
Law enforcement quickly surrounded the vehicle with weapons drawn
Agents quickly approached the crashed vehicle to speak with the driver and understand what had happened
One Secret Service agent could be seen with his hand on his weapon as he approached the vehicle
Secret Service agents rushed to the scene moments after the collision 

The first lady was wishing 'Happy Holidays' to waiting journalists as the sound of the car slamming into the motorcade could be heard. 

Biden and his wife had just left his campaign headquarters after having a meal of pasta with tomato sauce with members of his re-election team.

Reporters were asking the president about his low polling numbers when the crash happened. Biden said 'wow' before an engine revved and he was rushed to his vehicle, according to NBC

Jill was already in the vehicle and Biden got inside as the two were driven swiftly back to their home. Neither was hurt in the incident. 

The crash came just as Joe Biden was leaving his campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, on Sunday night, just after 8pm
Moments earlier, Biden had been waving to gathered reporters wishing them 'Happy Holidays'
U.S. first lady Jill Biden was leaving the campaign HQ as a vehicle crashed into a Secret Service SUV 
The crash happened in full view of a team of journalists and photographers covering Biden
Tight security that surrounds the president appeared to have been breached on Sunday night
A car plowed into a parked SUV that was part of Biden's motorcade Sunday night while the president was leaving  his campaign headquarters. The bang startled Biden

'A man walking by loudly said "oh my gosh" when this happened,' a media pool report from the scene noted. 

The president and the first lady arrived at their Delaware home around 8:20pm. 

The president's schedule was otherwise unaffected by the incident.

Secret Service officials did not immediately comment on the crash. It's unclear what caused the wreck.